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Chemical missile ready.

The Chemical missile was a long range smart cruise missile that carried a processed Tiberium waste warhead, used by the Brotherhood of Nod in the Second Tiberium War. It is constructed and released from a missile silo. It requires a Tiberium waste facility to fill the warhead's toxin.


The missile's payload released several highly toxic Tiberium gas clouds, which were lethal to infantry, mutating them into visceroids, and had a corrosive effect on structures and vehicles. The initial detonation of the warhead was also exceptionally powerful. This is the development of Nod's Tiberium research and considered a "side product" compared to Nod's World Altering Missile.


The missiles were used in a devastating attack on Europe, when several of them hit and the resulting chain reaction turned much of the continent into a Tiberian desert.[1] The once main stronghold of GDI ceased to exist, but eventually was rebuilt by coordinated efforts of GDI and its member countries.

After CABALs defeat Nod went back to using tactical nuclear missiles.

Game effect[]

It requires a waste facility equipped with Weed eaters to search and collect the roots of Tiberium waste. If fully stocked, then there is enough material to construct a single missile. Only a single waste facility is authorized to be constructed (although capturing more are allowed). There are several situations where a stock of these missiles can be assembled and launched. They are available in two conditions: available supply of materials (roots from a veinhole) and authorized by Nod (by capturing required structure from rogue factions known to have clearance).

Should there be enough material, a Nod Missile Silo can assemble up to two missiles to be stored and launched. They must be launched by a separate command.

The chemical missile will do serious damage to bases especially infantry and do heavy damage to even the most toughest vehicles.

AI behavior[]

The AI will use Chemical Missile to target the following structures or units, assuming they are not cloaked. These are ordered according to priority:

  • MCVs (Easy difficulty greatly decreases the priority of MCVs as potential targets)
  • Construction Yards
  • War Factories
  • Power providers (Easy AI only) and Superweapons
    • Both buildings have the same priority if the AI is set at Easy difficulty

If all these do not exist, it will target base defenses (including deployed units like Artilleries), Engineers (except on Easy where it greatly decreases the priority of Engineers), Helipads, then finally units.


  1. Westwood Studios, Command & Conquer: Tiberian Sun. GDI mission 9b: "Destroy Chemical Supply".
Join the cause of Nod! Brotherhood of Nod Second Tiberium War Arsenal Ascend!