Command & Conquer Wiki

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Command & Conquer Wiki

The CCW namespace (pages starting with CCW:) is a namespace for redirects to the project namespace (pages starting with Command & Conquer Wiki:). This is because "Command and Conquer:" is a bit long to type. "CCW" can be used on talk pages, not-that-important project pages, and forums.

How to use it[]

The shortcuts are quite obvious. [[Command & Conquer Wiki:Help]] becomes [[CCW:H]]. In the page itself, put [[CCW:H|Help]] for a result like this: [[CCW:H|Help]].


Strangely, Wikipedia does not use a seperate namespace for its shortcuts, so pages such as Wikipedia:WP:BJAODN are actually a main namespace pages. Obviously, in CnCWiki, such pages are clearly not [[CCW:IU|In Universe]] (notice use of shortcut in link!).
