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The Armory is a GDI building in Tiberium Wars and Kane's Wrath which enables researching advanced infantry technologies and also heals damaged infantry units.


The Armory is a two-story modular building housing storage for advanced equipment and weapons. It grants access to GDI's most highly trained soldiers, and also contains a medical bay that can heal wounded infantry, replacing lost soldiers with fresh reinforcements with the same level of veterancy as the rest of the squad.

Game Structure[]

The Armory is GDI's advanced infantry tech structure. As previously mentioned, it allows the commander to access the most advanced and highly trained infantry GDI has to offer - namely, the elusive Sniper Teams and the destructive Commando.

It also offers a variety of infantry-related upgrades, greatly increasing their effectiveness in combat, resilience, or their skill range/versatility.

An extra bonus to the structure is that infantry squads can be sent into it to regain lost health and squad members - the only structure or unit in both Tiberium Wars and Kane's Wrath with the ability to restore missing squad troopers. Though the squad inside is automatically vacated from the building once they reach full health, should the squad inside be needed for immediate combat, they can be ejected from the structure and will move to the designated rally point. Note, however, that this process typically results in incomplete healing and can weaken their strength in the subsequent battle.

Deploying an Armory on the field allows the commander to access the GDI Airborne support power, which flies in two veteran Rifleman and Missile Squads via V-35 Ox to the designated location.

The Steel Talons experimental weapons division, preferring to field mechanical war machines and walkers over infantrymen, do not deploy this structure.

Upgrades Provided[]

Support powers provided[]


  • The Armory is referred to as the "Med Bays" in the game files.
  • Due to gameplay reasons, Nod and even Scrin infantry squads can also receive reinforcements from the Armory.
  • The Armory is the only advanced infantry tech structure which serves a functional purpose aside from an upgrade center.


See also[]

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