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For the Nod defensive structure in Tiberian Sun, see laser turret (Tiberian Sun). For the Generals defensive structure, see Laser Defense Turret.

The Laser Turret is the Brotherhood of Nod's basic anti-vehicle emplacement in Tiberium Wars and Kane's Wrath.

Game Structure[]

These turrets are armed with a pair of laser cannons, and are deployed from armored underground compartments when the need arises. Grouped in teams of three, they receive and relay battle information via a connection to a central turret hub, and due to this remote connection they are also capable of rebuilding themselves upon suffering critical damage. They share this trait with the Brotherhood's other basic defenses, the Shredder Turret and the SAM Turret.

Their armament themselves are nothing exceptional, despite their advanced nature: they lack power and accuracy against human body armor and the tough exoskeletons of the Scrin, but can punch through vehicle armor much more easily. However, they are completely unable to target aircraft - that vulnerability covered by the construction of complementary SAM systems.

Compared to their GDI and Scrin counterparts, the Laser Turret is an abysmal defensive structure. They lack the durability and firepower of their enemies' designs but have a similar cost and power drain. They make up for this weakness, in typical Nod fashion, through their numbers and flexibility. Each system has three independently operating turrets, whose combined firepower equals that of their opponent's versions if not surpassing it, and their ability to regenerate is limited only by the destruction of their hub. Should the hub be hidden (i.e. placed behind a wall), enemies will have to decide how much firepower they are willing to commit to break through both layers (turrets and obstruction) of defense just to access the wall.

The turrets require some time to finish reconstruction in the event they are destroyed, however, during which they are completely inoperable. If the hub is destroyed for any reason, all of its attached turrets will collapse with it.

Note that in Kane's Wrath the baseline Nod-exclusive upgrade, Laser Capacitors, does affect these turrets, and increases the damage output of each turret system. However, the Black Hand's Charged Particle Beams and the Marked of Kane's Supercharged Particle Beams instead modify the armament of the Shredder Turret, and have no weight on the performance of their respective Laser Turret systems.

In Kane's Wrath, they also benefit from the Quad Turrets upgrade. With this applied, all turret systems (including the Laser Turret) gain a fourth turret mounted on their system's hub, with no additional power drain or cost per unit.


CNCKW Quad Turrets Cameo Quad turrets This upgrade places a fourth small turret directly on the hub, adding 33% more firepower (Ctrl+S). Purchasable at any Operations Center for $1000 and takes 0:30 to research. Kane's Wrath only.
CNCTW Laser Capacitors Cameo Spitfire laser capacitors Significantly increases the damage of each turret (Ctrl+S). Purchasable at Brotherhood of Nod Tech Lab for a cost of $2500 and takes 1.15 to research.


  • Tiberium Wars patch 1.05:
    • turret hubs now appear unstealthed when their turrets fire while under the effects of a disruption tower
    • fixed a graphical error that sometimes caused Nod laser turrets to appear as if they still were firing when powered down or destroyed
  • Kane's Wrath patch 1.01: laser capacitor damage bonus increased by 50%


  • It appears the individual Laser Turrets have the smallest build space silhouette, meaning they are able to be placed in the tinier cracks that most other buildings cannot be be built upon.
  • Its weak armor and its lack of effectiveness against infantry makes them noticeably weaker than their predecessor.
  • The turrets have a tendency to switch to a new target (if there is such a target) when the original target's HP becomes low, which hampers their ability to actually kill vehicular opponents.

See also[]

Join the cause of Nod! Brotherhood of Nod Third Tiberium War Arsenal Ascend!